
2nd Week of Advent (C) : Friday 10th December 2021

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Our Lady of Loreto

2nd Week of Advent (C) : Friday 10th December 2021

Is. 48:17-19; Ps. 1:1-2,3,4,6;
Mt. 11:16-19 (Ps Wk II)

God was disappointed and heartbroken. He lamented that the Israelites were not following his commandments. He would have been able to do much more for them if they had, and they would have prospered. But now, they would have to suffer the consequences of their choices. God wants only good for us but respects our free will. If we choose badly, we suffer – not from God, but from what we choose. Even then, God is standing by to bless us when we come to our senses. Let us always choose wisely. Jesus was irritated. People are never happy. They complained about John the Baptist because he was too ascetical and severe. Now they complain about Jesus, believing him to be too loose – a glutton and a drunkard.

We project our expectations on others, especially spiritual figures. We need to see below the surface, beyond outward appearances. Listen to the teachings with our hearts, not just with our ears. And test them by applying them to our lives. God’s revelation will come to us in many different forms and through a great variety of people. Let us allow ourselves to be surprised.

Lord, help me to listen with my heart.

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