All ye Angels and Saints of God, pray for us!
SOLEMNITY OF ALL SAINTS (B) : Monday 1st November 2021
Rev. 7:2-4, 9-14; Ps.24(23): 1-2, 3-4ab,5-6;
1 Jn.3:1-3; Mt.5:1-12a (Psalter proper)
There is plenty of room in heaven, far more than the 144,000 indicated by the passage in Revelation. This is a symbolic number – a multiple of the 12 tribes – and signifies wholeness and completeness. All who confess the name of Jesus and walk in His ways are welcome. Regardless of how many there are.
We become children of God when we experience a new birth or awakening from above. It occurs when we receive the Lord into our hearts and soul. We need to be open to it and willing to walk in the ways of the Spirit. It is a new life in God, different in so many ways from the typical human experience of life.
God has more in store for us, but that will be revealed later. For now, we delight in what God gives us each day by way of experiences. The Beatitudes are the tools of the kingdom of God. Wherever we practice – even imperfectly – humility, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, the pursuit of justice, and working for peace, we have made a difference in the world and fulfilled God’s plan for us. The quality and success of our life are not measured by wealth, power, fame, or possessions but by how well we live by these divine principles.
Lord, help me to live the Beatitudes.
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