
DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY (B) : 11th April 2021

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  • DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY (B) : 11th April 2021

Lord, thank you for your Divine Mercy for all mankind

DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY (B) : 11th April 2021

Acts 4:32-35; Ps. 117:2-4,15-18,22-24;
1 Jn. 5:1-6; Jn. 20:19-31 (Psalter proper)

The scene in the Gospel passage focuses on the person of the Risen Christ and on what his presence means to the disciples. He “comes” to the frightened community in a transformed state because he is now no longer restricted by material conditions. In encountering Jesus, the disciples grow from a state of fearfulness to confidence and belief. For his risen presence brings peace and joy to them. This peace, a gift often promised in the Old Testament, arises from the awareness of the presence of Jesus, who has overcome death.

By communicating his Spirit to the disciples, Jesus enables them to continue his mission which he received from his Father. He communicates to them the life of his Spirit for mission. While they, in turn, will pass on the life-giving power of the Spirit to others who come to believe in him. The early Christians experience deeply the Spirit of Jesus as they gather in communion to worship, break bread, and listen to the apostles’ teachings. Under the apostles’ leadership, they remain united in mind and heart and even put their possessions at the apostles’ disposal.

The Spirit of Jesus enables them to experience God’s love, giving them a sense of fearless confidence. For in Christ, they have overcome the world. The love of God experienced by the early Christians is present with each of us, too, to allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives. We, also, can feel a sense of fearless confidence because of what Jesus has done and continues to do for us.

Lord, may we trust in You.

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