Lord Jesus, give me a more profound faith so that I may spread the Good News to the world
3rd Sunday of Easter (A) : 26th April 2020
Acts 2:14,22-33; Ps. 16(15): 1-2,5,7-8,9-10,
11; 1 Pt. 1:17-21; Lk. 24:13-35 (Ps Wk III)
We are accustomed to calling Cleophas and his companion the pilgrims of Emmaus. They had followed Jesus but their hope that Jesus would liberate Israel had been dashed when he was sentenced to death and was crucified. Now they were leaving Jerusalem and going back home.
The people of Israel were a pilgrim people because they never had the opportunity to linger on their journey. Leaving Egypt and reaching the Promised Land, they thought they had arrived, and their problems would be solved, but the road took them still further.
Jesus the Christ is ahead of us all on pilgrimage. His pilgrimage is to fulfil the Father’s will. He suffered, died, and was raised. He comes back to meet us and teaches us, through Scripture and the Church, that the Messiah had to suffer before he entered into glory.
Because he walks with us and becomes our fellow pilgrim when our hopes are dashed, we discover the meaning of the Resurrection. And Jesus makes himself known to each one of us when we celebrate the feast of the Eucharist.
Lord Jesus, give me a more profound faith so that I may recognize You in my pilgrimage, and spread the Good News to the world.
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