
5th Week of Easter : Friday 7th May 2021

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Lord Jesus, help us always to be attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and live according to the Truth

5th Week of Easter : Friday 7th May 2021

Acts 15:22-31; Ps. 56:8-9,10-12;
Jn. 15:12-17 (Ps Wk I)

The deliberation of the Apostles and the First Council in Jerusalem in response to Antioch’s concern marks a critical stage in the Church’s self-awareness and growth in maturity.

They must have realised that they did not have instructions from Jesus on every possible question that would arise within their Jewish community in Jerusalem or as they brought the Gospel to the nations of the world. They had to rely on the general lines of what Jesus had taught them and, guided by the Holy Spirit, come to decisions that were faithful to Jesus’ teaching and the demands of brotherly love and justice. This has been the way of the Church since the first Pentecost.

When facing so many problems and questions in our modern world, Pope Francis has to guide the Church on earth and maintain absolute fidelity to Jesus and the Gospel. Also, prudently exercising the compassion that God the Blessed Trinity has for us and the mutual Christian love which Jesus revealed to us in a “new commandment” — love one another.

Father in Heaven, as Church and individuals, may we always be attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit and live according to the Truth. Amen.

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