Lord, help me to live as You taught us
5th Week of Easter : Saturday 16th May 2020
Act 16:1-10; Ps. 100(99):2,3,5;
Jn. 15:18-21 (Ps Wk I)
Timothy was a young disciple who became an important companion to Paul. Paul was concerned about the missions to both the Gentiles and the Jews.
Although Timothy had been raised by a Jewish mother, he had not been circumcised. Paul did not want the mission to the Jews to be compromised, so he asked Timothy to be circumcised before setting off on their mission.
Paul and Silas took Timothy with them and listened to the Holy Spirit, directing them where they should go to proclaim the word. Twice the Spirit told them not to go a certain way. Then Paul had a vision that they should go to Macedonia. Being convinced that this was a word from God, they followed that directive. We have our plans, but the Spirit has its own!
Jesus warned the disciples of the hardship of following him. The world did not understand that Jesus came from God, so they did not believe in him. Jesus warned the disciples that the world would not believe them either. The true followers of Jesus did not belong to the world then, and they still do not. The situation is the same now as it was then. Living as Jesus taught us is not popular. But how can we do otherwise?
Lord, help me to live as You taught us.
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