Lord, help me to be still and listen to your voice
6th Week of Easter : Monday 10th May 2021
Acts 16:11-15; Ps. 149:1-2,3-4,5-6,9;
Jn. 15:26—16:4 (Ps Wk II)
Paul and Silas had arrived at Philippi, a sizeable Roman settlement with very few Jews. When they were looking for a place to pray, they met Lydia, a well-to-do merchant of expensive cloth. Lydia, a Gentile, was a worshipper of God and was interested in what Paul was saying. God opened her heart, and she believed. Then she and everyone in her household were baptised. Later, Paul and Silas accepted Lydia’s invitation and spent time in her home, where they found a newly established Christian community. Women were among the first to accept Jesus.
Jesus was preparing the disciples for tough times ahead; however, he also assured them that the Holy Spirit, or Advocate, would continue his work and give testimony to him. That would happen through the disciples as they followed Jesus’ teachings. Jesus also warned that the road ahead would not be easy as they may suffer persecution for their faith. This can be true in our day as well in different ways, but we can know that the Holy Spirit is there to guide and direct our path. We only need to ask for guidance, and the Holy Spirit will provide. It is up to us to be still and listen to God’s voice.
Lord, help me to listen to the Holy Spirit.
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