
6th Week of Easter : Saturday 15th May 2021

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Jesus continues to intercede for us in heaven in the presence of God our Father

6th Week of Easter : Saturday 15th May 2021

Acts 18:23-28; Ps. 46:2-3,8-9,10;
Jn. 16:23-28 (Ps Wk II)

In today’s Gospel, the final words of Jesus, “I  came into the world. Now I am leaving the world to go to the Father”, reveal Jesus’ consciousness of his life mission on earth. His journey to his Father will be by way of his cross, his passion, death, resurrection and ascension. We may note that Jesus says: “go to my Father” rather than “go back” or “return”.

John wrote his Gospel in quite a simple language. But the simplicity of his words is the vehicle of a very profound theology. So, we may reflect that perhaps here John is hinting that Jesus does not simply “return” to the father as he came from the Father, but in “going to the Father”, he takes with him his humanity and total human experience so that as the Letter to the Hebrews expresses it: he lives forever to make intercession for all of us who come to God through him. (Heb 7:25, cf. 9:25).

At the last Supper, Jesus prayed for his Apostles — “not only for them; but also, for all those who through their word will believe in me” (Jn 17:20). Beyond all our hopes and dreams, Jesus’ prayer for us continues in heaven in the presence of God our Father.

Lord Jesus, as You intercede for us in heaven before the Father, may we always be faithful to You and live lives redolent of joy, truth, justice, and holiness. Amen.

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