
7th Week of Easter (B) : Saturday 22nd May 2021

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St Rita of Cascia, religious

7th Week of Easter (B) : Saturday 22nd May 2021

Acts. 28:16-20,30-31; Ps. 10:4,5,7;
Jn. 21:20-25 (Ps Wk III)

The “follow Jesus” faithfully is what it means to be a disciple. The Gospel has shown us what is involved in following Jesus, which consists in carrying our own cross. However, each of us is called individually and differently, as each can effectively bear witness to the Gospel. Today’s passage in the Gospel reveals two contrasting ways of following Jesus. Peter is called to follow Jesus to the death while the beloved disciple continued to live as a no-martyr and a faithful witness.

In words, “what is that to you?” we may detect the last of the rebukes given to Peter. The final command from the Lord prohibits invidious comparisons among Christians, comparisons based on different degrees of self-sacrifice, on how each of us can serve the Lord. Each person has only one duty — to follow!

A second aspect emerges in the worlds “if it is my will.” It is the will of the Lord that determines the vocation of each of His appointees. We may think that the martyrs are more devoted than non-martyrs. But it is the will of the Lord that determines the varying outcomes. To follow Him is to trust His will, as echoed in Romans 14:14, “who are you to pass judgement on the servant of another? It is before his own master that the servant stands or falls.”

Dearest Lord, teach me to serve You as I should, give, and not count the cost.

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