
Monday within Easter Octave : 18th April 2022

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  • Monday within Easter Octave : 18th April 2022

Lord Jesus, You are exalted to God’s right hand

Monday within Easter Octave : 18th April 2022

Acts 2:14,22-33; Ps. 15:1-2,5,7-8,9-10,11;
Mt. 28:8-15

The Gospel reading saw Jesus appearing, not just to the women but to the disciples and many others again and again. They touched Him and spoke to Him (Mk.16:14;  Lk.24: 13-43, John 20:19-29). This is real even today! Jesus’ ever-presence among us, around us and through us reveals this truth!

Jesus’ resurrection was witnessed by many, especially those close to Him. We believe and profess His passion, death and resurrection. This is concretely experienced in our own daily Living. With eyes of faith, we see all events (past, present and the future) as a revelation of this Paschal Mystery!

Matthew’s Gospel also described the lie the Jewish leaders were spreading, that Jesus’ body had been stolen (Jn.8:13). It would be easy for them to disprove the resurrection by producing Jesus’ corpse, but they could not because the tomb was empty.

Honesty and truth are what we earnestly pray for the leaders of nations, all communities, and even ourselves.

In this Easter Octave, we continue to acknowledge the presence of the Risen Lord and share this truth with all those around us, primarily through our living examples of Jesus’ Resurrection in peace, joy and hope!

Like Peter in the first reading, we are called to be the living witnesses of the Paschal Mystery. Jesus was accredited by God (Jn.8:22) according to God’s will and accepted His crucifixion (v.23), and was raised from the dead.

Lord Jesus, You are without sin, and You were exalted to God’s right hand. Help us to experience His presence through the Holy Spirit (Acts. 2:32-33).

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