
Saturday within Easter Octave : 18th April 2020

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Lord, change me! Let the power of the Risen Christ transform me

Saturday within Easter Octave : 18th April 2020

Acts 4:13-21; Ps. 118(117):1,14-15,16,17-18,19-21; Mk. 16:9-15 (Psalter proper)

Today’s scripture readings contrast the type of leadership exercised by the apostles before the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost and after. The passage from Mark gives the impression that the apostles seemed to be men who were unable to comprehend the events that were happening them.

Mary of Magdala told them that she had seen the Risen Lord, but they did not believe her. Two disciples who had seen Jesus while they were travelling, turned back from their journey and reported that Jesus had shown himself to them. The apostles did not believe them either. Finally, Jesus himself appeared to them and admonished them for not accepting those who had seen him after he had risen.

In reading the passage from Acts, however, we get a different impression of the apostles, especially from the example shown by Peter and John. There they were standing face to face with the rulers, elders and scribes. When warned by the Sanhedrin not to make any more statements or teach in the name of Jesus, both Peter and John state clearly that they must obey God and not men, and they will continue to proclaim what they had seen and heard.

These were the apostles who were huddled together in fear of the Jews in a closed room. But now with their experience of the Risen Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit, they were transformed!

What about us? Are we ready to proclaim the Good News?

Lord, change us! Let the power of the Risen Christ transform us.

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