Lord, help me to hear Your voice
4th Week of Easter : Sunday 8th May 2022
Acts 13:14, 43-52; Ps. 99:2,3,5;
Rev. 7:9,14b-17;
Jn. 10:27-30 (Ps Wk IV)
Paul and Barnabas visited many of the synagogues on their journey and proclaimed Jesus in all of them. Many were open to their words, especially the Gentiles who were ‘God-fearers’. But there was a backlash; some felt threatened and drove Paul and Barnabas out. Some will always be open to the proclaimed word, but many more will turn away. But we move on and continue the work.
The vision of a vast multitude from every nation and tongue reveals the all-encompassing universality of God, who embraces all of humanity. This vision should prevent us from having a narrow or possessive understanding of God. Jesus insisted that His sheep know Him and recognise His voice. They follow Him and obey His teachings and commandments. Jesus protects them and reveals Himself to them.
Jesus then proclaimed that He and the Father are one; they were in perfect harmony, and to encounter Jesus is to meet the Father too. Hearing the voice of Jesus is more than merely going to church – it is a deep and personal relationship. Do we hear His voice? Do we follow where He leads?
Lord, help me to hear Your voice.
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