
5th Week of Easter : Thursday 19th May 2022

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Lord, help me abide in Your love and follow Your way

5th Week of Easter : Thursday 19th May 2022

Acts 15:7-21; Ps. 95:1-2a,2b-3,10;
Jn. 15:9-11 (Ps Wk I)

God welcomes everyone, but we also need to follow God’s way. In this passage from Acts, the question is whether Gentile converts must become Jews. Previously, most followers of Jesus were Jews, but the converts were Gentiles in Antioch. Paul, Barnabas, and others were sent to Jerusalem to resolve this issue. Peter recognised that the Gentiles had already been given the Holy Spirit. Paul and Barnabas described how God had ministered to the Gentiles through them. James focused on the one crucial thing – fidelity to God. So, Gentiles did not have to be circumcised but should avoid all appearances of idol worship.

How consoling it must have been when Jesus told the disciples that He loved them just as the Father loved Jesus! But then Jesus said that the disciples must remain or abide in His love and keep His commandments. Those words apply to us today. Jesus offers us this same love and the same requirement. We must truly abide in Christ’s love and love others as He loves us. Love binds Jesus and the Father to us as Jesus’ followers.

Lord, help me abide in Your love and follow Your way.

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