Lord, help me to know You as Lord of my life
6th Week of Easter (C) : Monday 23rd May 2022
Acts 16:11-15; Ps. 149:1-2,3-4,5-6a & 9b;
Jn. 15:26—16:4a (Ps Wk II)
Paul and his friends had sailed to Philippi and, on the Sabbath, were looking for a place to pray when they met some women gathered by the riverside. One of the women, named, Lydia was very interested in what Paul was saying. She was a worshipper of God – a Gentile who was interested in following the God of the Jews. Immediately she and her household believed that Jesus was the Messiah and were baptised. God had led Paul to Lydia just as He leads us to others so we can share the message of God’s love for everyone.
Jesus was telling the disciples that the Advocate (Holy Spirit) would come and continue Jesus’ work through them. Jesus then warned the disciples of the hostility of the world. He did this so that the disciples would not be surprised when people would be persecuted for their belief in Jesus. The persecutors would be people who did not know Jesus or the Father. To know Jesus meant to honestly believe that he was the Messiah sent by the Father.
Lord, help me to know You as Lord of my life.
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