
Wednesday of Holy Week : 31st March 2021

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  • Wednesday of Holy Week : 31st March 2021

Lord, open my heart to the graces of repentance and reconciliation

Wednesday of Holy Week : 31st March 2021

Is. 50:4-9; Ps. 68:8-10,21-22,31,33-34;
Mt. 26:14-25 (Ps Wk II)

In some countries, today is traditionally called “Spy Wednesday”, recalling Judas’ betrayal of Jesus. Judas evokes various feelings as people understand him in different ways. Some people sympathise with him, thinking that God deliberately created him so that he would betray Jesus and so cause his death for our salvation. Such a naïve way of seeing things takes no account of free will and the guidance of grace and entails a less than adequate understanding of God’s way of working in the world. Judas sinned and then despaired of what he had done and consequently committed suicide.

Spiritually, it is more profitable for us to contrast Peter and Judas. Peter denied Jesus three times, but he repented and did not give in to despair. Thus, he received the grace of repentance with pardon and reconciliation. The contrast between the two men is an eternal part of our faith. Though we may sin, our sin should never lead us to despair. We should always follow Peter’s path, never that of Judas: Jesus died for our salvation, and so we are always offered the grace of repentance and reconciliation with God.

God, our Father in Heaven, when we come before You as sinners, strengthen our faith and our hope and open our hearts to the graces of repentance and reconciliation.  Amen.

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