St James, Apostle : Saturday 25th July 2020

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Lord, help us imitate Your humility and obedience

St James, Apostle : Saturday 25th July 2020

2 Cor. 4:7-15; Ps. 125:1-3,4-5,6;
Mt. 20:20-28 (Ps Wk IV)

The Gospel passage describes how the mother of James and John approaches Jesus to request places of honour in his Kingdom for her sons. Jesus responds by pointing out that a share in his Kingdom demands a share in his way to the Kingdom, namely, the way of the cross, the way of suffering.

Jesus adds that while he is able to promise a share in his sufferings to his disciples, a place of honour in the Kingdom is something only the Father can give. Therefore, Jesus, the Son, shows that he too has to submit to the Father. Similarly, Jesus expects his disciples to demonstrate humility and obedience to the will of God.

This is why, for Jesus, true leadership is modelled on the paradox of the cross and the way of suffering. Jesus speaks of a leader as being a servant who freely puts himself or herself at the disposition of others. Such leadership calls for a sense of self-denial for the sake of the Kingdom. It means to be willing to serve others even if it entails suffering.

And there is no greater model of Christian leadership than that of Paul. In the letter to the Corinthians, in the face of questions regarding his apostleship, Paul recites the history of his sufferings he underwent for the sake of the Kingdom to prove that his ministry reflects the way of the cross, a way that finds its source and power in the Person of Jesus.

What about us? Whose way are we following?

Lord, help us imitate Your humility and obedience.