Lord, reveal to me the ways I am called to serve
THE NATIVITY OF ST JOHN THE BAPTIST : Wednesday 24th June 2020
Is. 49:1-6; Ps. 139(138):1-3,13-15; Acts 13:22-26; Lk. 1:57-66,80
(Ps Wk IV)
We have all been in the mind and heart of God long before we were born, perhaps even before we were conceived. God has hopes and dreams for each one of us, but as always, we are free to choose. John the Baptist was singled out in his mother’s womb to be a holy prophet of God and to bear witness to Jesus, the light to the nations. There is real joy and fulfilment in doing what God wants of us.
Following an Old Testament pattern, John the Baptist was born to a childless couple advanced in years. His father, Zechariah’s faith, was tested — since he doubted, he was unable to speak until John was born. After he was given the name revealed by the angel instead of a family name, Zechariah’s tongue was loosed, and all began to praise God. This was a sign that the child was special and marked out for great things.
Perhaps our mission is not as dramatic as John’s, but each of us has something special to offer the world. Each is called to touch people in specific ways. Let us listen to our deepest self for the words that God whispered into our soul before we were born.
Lord, reveal to me the ways I am called to serve.
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