Lord, help us to feel deep in our being, your mercy and forgiveness
1st Week of Lent : Wednesday 9th March 2022
Jona. 3:1-10; Ps. 50:3-4,12-13,18-19;
Lk. 11:29-32 (Ps Wk I)
This is the first week of Lent. The Responsorial Psalm is that of a prayer of King David, who had sinned greatly and now is full of guilt and is sincerely repentant. What had he done? He had desired after, “stolen”, and committed adultery with – another man’s wife; and had “murdered” someone’s husband (2 Samuel 11).
As a sinner without any rights, we see him now appealing to God’s “mercy … kindness … compassion” (v 1). He understands that his terrible deeds can only be forgiven if God “blot out” his offence, “wash” him more and more from his guilt, and “cleanse” him from his sins (vv 1-2).
He discerns wisely that only God can “create” for him “a pure heart” and “put a steadfast spirit” within him (v 10). He knows he is in danger of being “cast … away” from God’s presence and deprived of God’s holy spirit (v 11).
He understands sorrowfully that no matter what sacrifices he offers God, they would be useless and unacceptable; and therefore offers God only the sacrifice of “a contrite spirit … a humbled, contrite heart” (v 17) – the sacrifice of a broken and repentant sinner.
Lent is a penitential season to examine ourselves before God, and like King David, honestly regret and repent for our sins. King David’s prayer can be our prayer too. If and when we choose to pray it sincerely, it will certainly guide us to see our sins in a new light; and lead us to experience God’s forgiveness, restoration, and renewal.
Lord, in Your mercy forgive our sins.

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