
THE MOST HOLY TRINITY : Sunday 7th June 2020

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Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, be with us everyday of our life

THE MOST HOLY TRINITY : Sunday 7th June 2020

Ex. 34:4-6,8-9; (R. Ps). Dan. 3:52,53,54,55,
56; 2 Cor. 13:11-13; Jn. 3:16-18 (Paslter proper)

As we are invited today to reflect on the Holy Trinity, we know that we cannot fully comprehend this mystery  but will be able to experience it a little of what it is like when we spend time contemplating on this Triune God!

“God loved the world so much that He gave His only Son…” (Jn. 3:16) Father God gave Jesus to the world and Jesus sacrificed his all for our redemption. Have we ever asked: “How does God feel about Jesus’ death on the Cross? “Does God love us even more because of what His Son did far us?”

Reflecting on this allows us to experience God’s unconditional love for us and the ways Jesus continues to reveal Himself to us through the Holy Spirit.

When we contemplate on the assurance of God’s love as expressed in Jesus through the Holy Spirit today, we feel deeply grateful for this gift — The Trinitarian Love of God!

This Triune God gives us compassion, mercy and tenderness. As we experience these gifts, we begin to experience this intimacy with our God in the three persons — Father, Son and the Holy Spirit!

Today the Holy Spirit leads us into the journey of seeking God through Jesus in the way we love God and our neighbours. This is expressed in unity, peace and solidarity with those who are deprived, marginalised and exploited in our society.

“Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, be with us everyday of our life.”

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