Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us
Mic. 5:1-4a or Rom. 8:28-30;
Ps. 12:6ab,6c;
Mt. 1:1-16,18-23 (or 18-23) (Ps Wk III)
Micah had good news for the people of Israel. Despite its apparent small size and insignificance, Bethlehem would bring a leader into the world who would shepherd Israel. This later became a messianic prophecy, and for the first generation of Christians, it was fulfilled in Jesus. God is always at work in history and in our individual lives. We must not be discouraged by ordinary appearances. But these promises of God must be kept alive for many generations in the hearts of believers.
God always depends on those who trust in Him. Mary was faithful and open to the divine will, so she was chosen to be the mother of Jesus. This was a bit of a shock for Joseph, and he prepared to send her away. But Joseph trusted in the assurances given by the angel in a dream. He did not need detailed explanations from God, and neither did Mary. They both trusted that they would be led and used according to God’s will. If only we could walk with such faith and trust. Who knows what God might be able to accomplish through us?
Lord, may I have absolute trust in You.

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