World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly - Lord, Bless all Grandarents and the Elderly
17th Week in Ordinary Time : Sunday 24th July 2022
Gen. 18:20-32; Ps. 137:1-2a,2bcd-3,6-7ab,7c-8;
Col. 2:12-14; Lk. 11:1-13 (Ps Wk I)
In the narratives of the Bible, apart from the events described, there is teaching for us about how we should behave. God says about Sodom and Gomorrah: “I propose to go down and see whether or not they have done what is alleged in the outcry against them.”
Since God does not immediately believe every sin or fault alleged against someone but requires further investigation, that is a model for us to follow, if we wish to be persons concerned with justice after the manner of God’s own heart. When Pope Francis was elected, almost immediately, there were accusations against him, some of them published in what are supposed to be reputable, serious, and responsible newspapers.
A reputable Catholic journalist has investigated the accusations and revealed that the accusers took some ideas that suited them and ignored many details that changed the whole perspective.
As a Jesuit, Pope Francis is committed to the faith, which does justice. It is not enough to believe: we must ensure that our faith influences every aspect of our lives, ensuring that all we do is just and helps create a more just society.
Lord, bless Pope Francis and his ministry to care for the poor, and that our human society may become more humane and just.
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