Lord, thank you for your gift of forgiveness
24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) : Sunday 11th September 2022
Ex. 32:7-11,13-14; Ps. 50:3-4,12-13,17 and 19; 1 Tim. 1:12-17;
Lk. 15:1-32 (or 1-10) (Ps Wk IV)
The parables of today are contemporary situations of Jesus’ lifetime, reflecting the conditions and inherent customs of the day. The Father divided the property and gave the younger son his share as requested.
The younger boy then sells his portion (gathered all that he had) and goes to another country. It was quite common for the young Palestinian Jews to emigrate to the large Mediterranean world. This boy, unmarried and about 18 to 20 years old, having wasted his money, is forced to seek menial labour.
He is employed feeding pigs, which would have the practical abandonment of the practice of his religion. Though he wished for the pods of the carob tree, the feed of animals and the very poor in times of famine, he was too ashamed to ask, and no one gave him anything to eat.
Forced by his situation to reflect, he repents (when he came to his senses). The description of the return and warm welcome are exquisite – the distant recognition by his Father, who runs to welcome him; the embrace and kisses which prevent the boy falling at his Father’s feet; the unfinished confession; and the exterior marks of total forgiveness and reinstatement as his son in the family. The words of the Father reflect the reason for his joy.
In this Gospel, Jesus speaks of His Father and his share in his Father’s joy and forgiving love with regard to sinners. He appeals to all to share the Father’s attitude of forgiveness towards sinners.
Forgiveness is divine.
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