St Pius of Pietrelcina, priest - pray for us
25th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) : Friday 23rd September 2022
Eccl. 3:1-11; Ps. 143:1a et 2abc,3-4;
Lk. 9:18-22 (Ps Wk I)
The writer of Ecclesiastes recognized that there is a time for everything. God was the one who determined the time for events to occur. For some events like birth and death, people had no control, but then for other things, there was the need for people to respond, for example, with planting. In all things, God considered the suitability of the timing. God also gave humankind a sense of the past and the future, but there is still an element of mystery – there is more to life than human beings can understand.
Jesus asked the disciples what people were saying about Him. After the disciples replied that the crowds were saying that Jesus was a prophet like John the Baptist or Elijah, Jesus directed the question to the disciples. Peter declared that Jesus was the Messiah of God. This prompted Jesus to tell the disciples not to share that information with anyone. He then continued with the announcement of His suffering, which was to come, as well as His resurrection on the third day. The disciples must have been puzzled by this revelation, but we have the advantage of time and history to confirm our belief in the resurrection of our Lord.
Lord, help me to trust You even when I don’t understand.
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