
26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) : Tuesday 27th September 2022

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  • 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) : Tuesday 27th September 2022

St Vincent de Paul, priest

26th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) : Tuesday 27th September 2022

Job. 3:1-3,11-17,20-23; Ps. 87:2-3,4-5,6,7-8;
Lk. 9:51-56 (Ps Wk II)

Job cursed the day he was born and wished that he could die. Many people have felt that way at one time or another, and sometimes it completely overwhelms an individual. Life can deal out a lot of pain and suffering. But Job did not give up; he stuck with it even though others were advising him to give up and die. In the end, God was pleased with him, and he was restored to a happy life. This is a story, not history, but it has an important message for us: never, never, give up. Have faith; keep moving forward.

Jesus had to move forward to Jerusalem and His destiny. It would not be easy, especially since His disciples did not quite understand the spirit of His teachings. When a Samaritan village refused them hospitality, two of His disciples wanted to call down fire and destroy the town. Elijah had done this in 2 Kings 1:10 – he had incinerated some of the king’s soldiers just to make a point and prove that he could do it. But things were different now: Jesus rebuked them; there would be no fire and brimstone on His watch. He brought a very different message – God’s wisdom and compassion. Jesus would confront His fate without violence or hatred, for that is the Lord’s way – and it should be ours too.

Lord, grant me courage and perseverance.

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