
28th Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Saturday 15th October 2022

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  • 28th Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Saturday 15th October 2022

St Teresa of Jesus, virgin & doctor

28th Week in Ordinary Time (C) : Saturday 15th October 2022

Eph. 1:15-23; Ps. 8:2-3a,4-5,6-7;
Lk. 12:8-12 (Ps Wk IV)

Paul had a wonderful wish and prayer for his community. He prayed that they be filled with the spirit of understanding and revelation so that they might begin to appreciate the glory and power that God would grant them. Paul proclaimed ecstatically that Christ had come to rule over all, and the world was being restored to God.

When we live in God’s Spirit and walk in His ways, we too can be part of this grand mystery. Many in the early Christian community feared persecution and death. Some gave in and denied the Lord, but Jesus had promised that He would remember those who were faithful and that they would be saved and blessed.

When we resist the Holy Spirit and the clear evidence of God’s presence, power, and mercy, we are blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Jesus was in their midst, performing validating miracles, and some did not believe. We are in a slightly different situation today – signs and evidence are not always so dramatic and clear. Similarly, when we harden our hearts and consciously resist God, we are in danger of sinning against the Holy Spirit. Let us always keep our hearts and minds open to the Lord and what He seeks to tell us.

Lord, help us always be attentive to Your Word.

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