10th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday, 8th June 2021

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Lord, may my words and deeds today lead someone to notice Your love

10th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday, 8th June 2021

2 Cor. 1:18-22; Ps.118:129,130,131,132,
133,135; Mt. 5:13-16 (Ps Wk II)

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus gives us two images about being Christian today.

Jesus says, “You are the salt of the earth” (Mt. 5:13). What is special about salt? A small amount of salt is invisible, but it provides much flavour. Salt also preserves the goodness of food and deters decay. Further, salt helps to clean wounds and promote healing.

Though Christians may be a minority in society, we are called to affect a positive impact. We are invited to help heal relationships and reconcile people who are in conflict. Our prayers may be invisible, but they affect; they preserve goodness in our families, society and the world.

Jesus also tells us, “You are the light of the world” (Mt. 5:14). Light is meant to be seen. We should not be embarrassed to do good or be recognised for being honest and generous people.

Yet being recognised should not lead us to pride. Our good deeds are to glorify the Father. In other words, when we perform good deeds, we are to do them in such a way that people notice that this love comes from God.

Jesus, help me to be salt and light. May my words and deeds today lead someone to notice Your love.

End with Novena Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – Day 6 of 9

9 Days Novena Reflection & Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Day 6 : Tuesday 8th June 2021

Theme: Jesus the patient friend