
12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) : 20th June 2021

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  • 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) : 20th June 2021

Lord, help me to be aware of your Holy Presence with me at all times

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time (B) : 20th June 2021

Job. 38:1,8-11; Ps. 106:23-24,25-26,28-29,
30-31; 2 Cor. 5:14-17; Mk. 4:35-41
(Ps Wk IV)

Job had been questioning God for an explanation of his sufferings. His conscience was clear — he had done nothing to warrant the terrible things that happened to him. God finally answered from a whirlwind.

He chastised Job for daring to ask and wanted to know if Job had been present throughout the process of creation when God set the boundaries to all things. Job shut his mouth. We often do not understand the reason for our suffering or that of others, and we want explanations.

While a certain amount of questioning is appropriate, we will never have all the answers, and we should not pretend that we do. Life in many respects is a mystery. Paul insists that Jesus died not just to save us but so that we might live for him and for others. It is too easy to forget that latter part — to live for others! We are not merely saved from something but for something.

Jesus appeared blissfully unaware of the storm that threatened to sink the boat in which he and the apostles were sailing. There was fear and panic in their voices as they asked if he even cared that they were perishing. He rebuked them for their lack of faith, then commanded the wind and waves to be still — and they were! They commented that even the wind and waves obeyed him, bringing to mind God’s voice from the whirlwind in Job. It was the same voice; it was God’s. When we walk with the Lord, we should fear nothing, for all must eventually obey the divine will.

Lord, may I never doubt Your presence.

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