
21st Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Friday 27th August 2021

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  • 21st Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Friday 27th August 2021

St Monica

21st Week in Ordinary Time (B) : Friday 27th August 2021

1 Thess. 4:1-8; Ps. 96:1,2,5-6,10,11-12;
Mt. 25:1-13 (Ps Wk I)

In today’s parable, the ten bridesmaids were waiting for the bridegroom’s arrival. The faithful ones knew they had to wait and took an extra oil supply, while the other five foolish ones were not prepared, so they could not welcome the bridegroom. Thus, this parable contains a warning and promise.

As disciples of Jesus, we are challenged to examine ourselves whether we are the faithful ones who use the resources that the Lord has given us at the service of others or are we like the foolish and irresponsible five bridesmaids who did not take notice of the resources?

The warning in the parable of the Gospel is about responsibility and accountability. Are we accountable and responsible in the way we conduct our lives?

The promise of God is the joyful reward that we will stand before our God and hear God say: “Well done, good and faithful servant!” (Mt. 25: 21).

How do we respond to God’s call to live a holy life? (V.7). We are called to offer God’s love by remaining pure in mind and thoughts in our services to others, particularly those deprived and marginalised. During this pandemic time, we have the opportunity to use our resources responsibly to reach out to those in need.  Doing this out of pure love of God is our response to the call to ‘holiness’!

Let us take time to examine our motivations for all our actions to situations and life challenges.

“Lord, grant us the purity of mind and heart in all our words and action.”

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