Lord, we pray for Christian unity, for reconciliation that leads to love and service for all.
2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time (C) : Tuesday 18th January 2022
1 Sam. 16:1-13; Ps. 88:20.21-22,27-28;
Mk. 2:23-28 (Ps Wk II)
Today’s gospel passage reflects the 4th Conflict of Jesus with the Pharisees. This refers to the plucking of grains by the disciples on a sabbath which was forbidden in their religious practices.
For Jesus, the basic human need, such as food for the hungry, override all law prescriptions. Jesus interprets the law from the point of view of the rights of the poor and the needy. This is contrary to the legalistic belief of the Pharisees! For Jesus, the Sabbath is for man and not man for the Sabbath.
This is genuinely liberating not only during Jesus’ time but even now. Suppose we place laws as our priority against fundamental human rights, such laws discriminate and lead many to hunger, lack of shelter, and other basic human needs. The cause for the disparity between the ‘haves’ and the ‘have nots’ are such laws in today’s world.
The observation of the norms cannot take priority over basic human needs. It is believed that we cannot catechise or share the Good News of Jesus, if we fail to see that the basic human needs of people are not met. We have to reach out to them. This is what Pope Francis often reminds us on our works amongst the poor and the needy in society.
Today we also pray for Christian unity, to tell the world what is the essence of reconciliation that leads to love and service for all.
“Lord, grant us the grace to know Your will in all our attempts to serve the needy and the poor around us.”
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