
33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : 15th November 2020

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Fourth World Day of the Poor

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) : 15th November 2020

Prov. 31:10-13,19-20,30-31;
Ps. 127:1-2,3,4-5; 1 Thess. 5:1-6;
Mt. 25:14-30 (or 14-15,19-20) (Ps Wk I)

Paul’s letter to the Thessalonians reminds us much of the Covid-19 pandemic which ‘came like a thief in the night.’ We were neither prepared and nor guarded and were caught in the present alarming situation.

We are responsible and accountable for this reality!

This sense of responsibility and accountability is what today’s Gospel intends to caution us on how we make use of the talents/gifts God has given to us. Let us take heed of this and check within ourselves — how we have been responding to the call of God to share with the less fortunate among us.

Today is the 4th World Day of the Poor. The first reading in the Proverbs reiterates how, like the woman who reaches out her hand to the helpless and gives to the poor; countless compassionate men and women have shared their time, efforts and what they have with the needy during this Covid-19 pandemic. It is truly heart-warming to know that many care for others who are suffering. It is like what Paul said, “to remain alert” to what is happening around us.

Are we the hands and legs of Jesus to reach out to those who are much affected by this pandemic or other natural disasters?

God bless those who do their part with zeal to help build a more caring community.

“Lord, help us to be compassionate and generous towards the poor and needy.”

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