Lord, help me to be thankful and to live as your chosen people every moment... every day
St Teresa of Jesus, Avila : Thursday 15th October 2020
Eph. 1:1-10; Ps. 97:1,2-4,5-6;
Lk. 11:47-54 (Ps Wk IV)
The Gospel reading reflects the ways the lawyers and the Pharisees showed their legalistic attitude to Jesus, which is the same manner which their forefathers took towards the prophets of old. They refused to listen to Jesus. The lawyers took away the key of the knowledge of the will of God, and they did not enter it nor allow others to enter too.
We can fall into the same trap by not allowing others to grow in Christ and submit to externalism and legalism, especially in the way we live our lives as Christians. However, what Jesus wants is for us to know who we are and how this identity is revealed in the ways we witness to Christ’s love within and outside us. In other words, to practice a religion is to do God’s will. It is said; “A true believer seeks to do good while a legalist seeks to avoid evil.”
We are indeed privileged to have been called into the family of God. This divine election is reflected in the first reading wherein states: “He chose us; he predestined us (v.5), we are chosen (v.11) and predestined before the creation of the world.” We are also called to be holy.
Holiness is the result of God’s love. It depends on the ways we live that leads to personal sanctification.
Let us be thankful for being called to be God’s chosen people and to live it out in our daily living.
“Lord, help us to examine our life that we can continue to devote ourselves to You whole-heartedly and not to depend on externalism and legalism of our religion.”
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