Transfiguration of the Lord
Transfiguration : Tuesday 6th August 2019
Dan. 7:9-10,13-14 or 2 Pt. 1:16-19;
Ps. 97(96):1-2,5-6,9; Lk. 9:28-36 (Ps Wk II)
“This is my Son, the Chosen One Listen to Him.”
This reveals and confirms the identity of Jesus — Son of God. It reminds us of the special link between this Transfiguration episode with that of the Baptism scene. Just as Baptism inaugurates the ministry of Jesus in Galilee, the Transfiguration experience reveals that Jesus is the Chosen One and marks the beginning of His journey to Jerusalem, the city of destiny (Lk. 9:51). We may ask: why were Moses and Elijah talking about Jesus’ departure/exodus? Moses’ presence symbolizes the exodus of Israel led by him while that of Elijah symbolizes his journey to Mount Horeb.
They represent the OT people of God and their exodus. At Transfiguration, it means now in Jesus, the new exodus begins — bringing about the new people of God!
Peter, James and John had the privilege to witness the ‘glory’ of the transfigured Christ which is the divine confirmation of Jesus’ resurrection ‘glory’. In our own experiences either at prayer or at work, we might be graced to have glimpses of such an experience. This makes our discipleship real and concrete. Such experiences move us to reach out and share such grace-filled moments in our lives.
Jesus, thank You for being our Saviour and Lord. Help us through the Holy Spirit to earnestly listen to You so that we can be Your true witnesses in this world.