Lord, help me to show mercy to others and to walk the path of peace
4th Week of Advent (A) : Saturday 24th December 2022
2 Sam 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps. 88:2-5,27,
29; Lk 1:67-79 (Ps. Wk. IV)
Often people want to do favours for God without really consulting Him. David wanted to build a ‘house’ (temple) for God. But God declined, pointing out that He had never needed or asked for any such thing during all the time with the Israelites.
God went on to assure David that his throne would be secure, both during his lifetime and through his descendants. God only wanted David to remember his commitment to the Lord and be a good king. As we know in later parts of this book, David was not always successful in this, but God was always faithful.
Zechariah joyfully celebrated God’s, faithful love. God remembered and kept all His promises to Israel. The salvation and liberation God was now bringing to Israel demonstrated His tender mercy, guiding them into the paths of peace. Never before have we been in such need of God’s tender mercy and the ways of peace. It echoes the words and deeds of Pope Francis so well – and he urges us to extend that to others. Every day we will have opportunities to show mercy to others and to walk the path of peace. We have an essential role to play in God’s kingdom.
Lord, grant me Your mercy.
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