
3rd Week of Easter : Sunday 23rd April 2023

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Lord, Bless me, a pilgrim in Your name. Amen!

3rd Week of Easter : Sunday 23rd April 2023

Acts 2:14,22-33; Ps. 15:1-2,5,7-11;
1 Pt. 1:17-21; Lk. 24:13-35 (Ps. Wk. III)

Journey is a favourite theme of Luke; he portrays the story of the public life of Jesus as a journey to Jerusalem.

Today, we hear of two disciples whose journey is taking them away from the Lord: Cleophas, husband of Mary, mother of James and Joset (see Jn. 19:25 and Mk. 15:40) and his companion are leaving Jerusalem. We are accustomed to call them ‘the pilgrims of Emmaus’.

Pilgrims don’t have the possibility of lingering on the way. Each time they think about reaching their destination, their problems aren’t solved, and they realise that the road is taking them still further. To our pilgrims of Emmaus, Jerusalem now has become a frightening place for them: their dreams shattered and nowhere for them to go except away.

On their way toward Emmaus, Jesus becomes present to them and walks with them. Using the Scriptures, Jesus teaches them that the Messiah had to suffer and how God’s plan filters throughout human history. Jesus helps them to discover the very thing that makes sense of it all — his Resurrection.

And at the end of today’s story, our pilgrims are returning to Jerusalem, even though night has fallen, and now they must walk in the light of Easter or the Pascal moon….

Lord Jesus! You are ahead of humanity on pilgrimage; Your goal is the fulfilment of the Father’s plan of salvation. Bless me, a pilgrim in Your name. Amen!

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