
HOLY SATURDAY : 8th April 2023

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Lord, help me live closely with You

HOLY SATURDAY : 8th April 2023

Gen. 1:1-2:2; Ex. 14:15–15:1;
Is. 55:1-13; Rom. 6:3-11;
Ps. 117(118):1-2,16-17,22-23;
Mt. 28:1-10 (Psalter proper)

No one was physically present at the moment when the resurrection of Christ took place. This is why the description of the empty tomb is fundamental in affirming that Jesus has risen from the dead. The apocalyptic signs further emphasise the significance of the empty tomb. The presence of the angel of God sitting on the stone in triumph is the perfect symbol of God’s triumph over death in the resurrection of Jesus. The violent storm signifies the shaking of the old world and its foundations and the establishment of a new one in which the Risen Christ is Lord.

The Risen Christ does not spend much time indulging in the adoration of the women near the tomb. Instead, He sends them immediately on an Easter mission to the still ignorant disciples, who are instantly directed to Galilee. The Risen Christ appears, not to satisfy their personal needs, but to send them on a mission – even to all the nations. There is now a new relationship between Jesus and the disciples.

Saint Paul states that just as Christ was raised by the Father and, therefore, enjoys a new relationship with the Father, so the believers also have a share in this new way of life. The power of the resurrection already exists and rules the believers. So, will the believers return to the former sinful way of life? As Christians, we, too, share in the new life brought to us by Jesus through His death and resurrection. Will we live out this new relationship with Him?

Lord, help me live closely with You.

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