God's mercy and love extends to all mankind
2nd Week of Lent : Saturday 11th March 2023
Mic 7:14-15,18-20; Ps. 103:1-4,9-12;
Lk. 15:1-3,11-32 (Ps. Wk. II)
In today’s Gospel passage, St. Luke tells us that Jesus has come to the rescue of humankind — lost without hope. The sense of failure and helplessness is total. The parables of the lost sheep, the lost drachma and the prodigal son bring out this truth: they are totally lost, helpless and ruined. Only through the initiative of God is the lost sheep, the lost drachma and the prodigal son saved and restored.
The following points may help us be in awe of the prodigal mercy of the father:-
– No sign of the father being offended by the younger son’s request.
– It is pretty clear that there is no repentance on the part of the younger son: he is just interested in his well-being. His motives are the wrong ones. He is only after his life and well-being.
– The father is already on the watch; he sees the son coming. He is moved to compassion. The first gesture is to embrace him and kiss him. He is not interested in the speech of the younger son. He asks that he be clothed and that a ring be put on his finger. The son is received as a son, not as a slave; this is what he wants.
– Finally, the older brother is also after the same goal as the younger: they are the same. But the father is equally open to both.
I praise You, Lord of compassion and love. My soul, give thanks to You, Lord. All my being, bless Your holy name and let me never forget all Your blessings. (cf. Psalm 103:1-4).

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