St Pius of Pietrelcina, priest, pray for us
24th Week in Ordinary Time : Saturday 23rd September 2023
1 Tim. 6:13-16; Ps. 99:2-5;
Lk. 8:4-15 (Ps. Wk. IV)
Today’s parable in the Gospel centres on the seed and the soil, rather than on the sower. The seed is the Word of God (v. 11), and we can also take the seed as the relationship God wants to offer us.
The soil is the human heart or mind. There are different kinds of soil: the impacted soil on the path where the seed does not penetrate; there is the thin layer of soil on the rocky ground where the seed can only put down shallow roots; then there is the seed among thorns where the seed has too much competition for it to survive. And then the good soil: the gentle and generous heart or mind that perseveres patiently and bears fruit.
Is my heart resistant to being helped and loved? Is there something preventing depths in my mind or in my heart? Has my heart too many distractions or interests? Too many attractions out there?
Things that draw me outward and away from the centre — the worries about success, popularity, and identifying myself with my possessions? Trying to keep up with others? The anxiety to do something worthwhile and to get somewhere?
Lord God, give me the grace to value the relationship You offer me. Give me the resolve to choose You and displace all my other attachments to make room for our relationship.
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