
8th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 30th May 2023

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Lord, help me to follow You willingly and cheerfully

8th Week in Ordinary Time : Tuesday 30th May 2023

Sir. 35:1-15; Ps. 49:5-8,14 23;
Mk. 10:28-31 (Ps. Wk. IV)

Sacrifices were to be offered in the proper spirit and were to be accompanied by obedience to the Jewish Laws. But good deeds could be considered equal to offering a sacrifice – returning a kindness, making a charitable donation, not engaging in wicked actions. The people were encouraged to be generous with the Lord as the Lord was generous with them. They were to give cheerfully. This is good advice for us today as we follow Jesus’ example of interacting with people in a generous, kind, and non-judgmental way.

Jesus had just had a conversation with the rich man who was asking about eternal life. He had followed the letter of the Law, but Jesus asked him to sell his possessions and give the money to the poor. He could not do so. Jesus said it was very difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of God. Jesus comforted His disciples with the promise of great rewards for the sacrifices they made to follow Jesus – eternal life being one. But Jesus also added that those who desired to be first in this life would be last in the life to come. We are asked to be humble servants.

Lord, help me to follow You willingly and cheerfully.

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