Seven Holy Founders of the Servite Order
6th Week in Ordinary Time (Year A) : Friday 17th February 2023
Gen. 11:1-9; Ps. 32:10-15;
Mk. 8:34—9:1 (Ps. Wk. II)
The story of the tower of Babel illustrates humanity’s desire to reach God – and to be as powerful as God – just as in the Garden of Eden.
As there was only one language at that time, all humanity could communicate readily with each other. As people gathered together, pride set in, and they wanted to “make a name” for themselves by building a tower to reach the heavens and burst through the barrier between God and humanity.
God averted this disaster by confusing their language and scattering the people. We must always be aware of pride as it separates us from God.
The Gospel reading continues the theme of pride and humility as Jesus told the people the cost of following Him. Following Jesus would mean denying their desires and being willing to suffer along with Jesus.
The only way to save their life would be to lose it in service to Him. To be ashamed of Jesus and His teaching would make Jesus ashamed of them. How often do we hesitate to share our faith in Christ? Do we hesitate because we are embarrassed? Do we fear what others will think?
Lord, help me to be gentle yet bold in sharing my faith with others.
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