Do we recognise how God shows His love for us?
3rd Week of Advent (B) : Tuesday 19th December 2023
Jgs 13:2-7, 24-25a; Ps. 70:3-6,16-17;
Lk 1:5-25 (Ps. Wk. III)
In the story of the birth of Samson, we are never told the name of the child’s mother. However, she was the one to whom the angel revealed that although she was barren, she would give birth to a son.
And her son would be a Nazarite from birth, there were many rules for her to follow, and no razor was to touch his head, nor was he to drink wine.
This boy, named Samson, would deliver Israel from the Philistines, for he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord.
In Luke, we have the story of another barren woman, Elizabeth, who was given the gift of a son. Zechariah, Elizabeth’s husband, was a priest praying in the temple when the angel told him that Elizabeth would bear a son whom they would name John.
John, just like Samson, was to drink no wine. He would be filled with the Holy Spirit before his birth – remember how John recognised Jesus while they were both still in the womb!
Elizabeth knew that this child was a gift from God. Do we recognise how God shows His love for us?
Lord, help me to recognise how You show Your love for me.
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