Dear Lord, may the decision we make today be courageous to serve and trust You
5th Week of Lent (B) : Wednesday 20th March 2024
Dan 3:14-20, 24-25, 28;
(R.Ps.) Dan 3:52-56;
Jn 8:31-42 (Ps. Wk. I)
The poem, ‘The Road not Taken’ by Robert Frost depicts the poet at a fork in the road, having to decide which way he will go. He spends some time considering both the paths. Decidedly, he chose the path less travelled. Note, that the title of the poem is The Road not Taken, not The Road Taken. Prophet Daniel presented a situation where a decision under threat is to be made. Without fear or intimidation, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego refused to worship man-made idols but decidedly expressed to serve Yahweh.
In John’s Gospel, Jesus was inviting the Jews then, and us today, to acknowledge and appreciate that we have a choice to make, to go down the road that is often travelled or to choose the unknown path. The difference between the experience of the poet and Jesus is that the poet will walk the unknown path, whereas in the Gospel, Jesus is saying that He is the path – not alone, but the one who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
Ponder, is there true freedom when we simply follow the safe and known path? Jesus’ invitation to follow Him leads us to trust. Recollect a life changing decision that you have made in your life, the fears you had at that time and how those fears have been replaced with peace and joy.
Dear Lord, may the decision we make today be courageous to serve and trust You.