
Consecration Prayers to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – Fri 11th June 2021

Prayers for the Solemnity of Sacred Heart of Jesus PRAYER FOR THE RENEWAL OF THE FAMILY DEDICATION TO THE SACRED HEART (to be recited by families which have the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in their homes)  Lord Jesus Christ, today we renew the dedication of our family to your Sacred Heart. We remember your…

SH Novena 9th Day : Jesus invites us to our home in Heaven

Jesus invites us to our home in Heaven Scripture: : "Come, you whom my Father has blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world" (Mt. 25:34) Meditation: Jesus has promised to come and take us to heaven when our life's journey is over. We were made for…

SH Novena 7th Day : The God who lives within us

The God who lives within us Scripture: Jesus answered, "If anyone loves me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we shall come to him and make our home with him". (Jn. 14:23) Meditation: One of the main fruits of faithfulness in prayer is the gradual opening of our eyes,…

SH Novena 6th Day : Jesus the patient friend

Jesus the patient friend Scripture: : "Look, I am standing at the door, knocking. If one of you hears me calling and opens the door, I will come in to share his meal, side by side with him" (Rev. 3:20). Meditation: It is true that from our earliest days Jesus has stood knocking at the…

SH Novena 5th Day : Jesus the one who invites

Jesus the one who invites Scripture: : Martha went and called her sister Mary, saying, "The Master is here and wants you to come to him". Hearing this, Mary got up quickly and went to him (Jn. 11:28-29). Meditation: What a beautiful invitation to prayer this is! It is the same Master who is calling…

SH Novena 4th Day : Jesus our friend in need

Jesus our friend in need Scripture: : Peter said to Jesus, "Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you across the water." Jesus said, "Come" (Mt. 14:28-29). Meditation: It is especially when we are in difficulties that our prayer-life becomes a source of strength and peace for us. In every crisis we…

SH Novena 3rd Day : Jesus the friend of sinners

Jesus the friend of sinners Scripture: When Jesus came to the spot he looked up and spoke to him, "Zacchaeus, come down. Hurry, because I am going to stay at your house today". And he hurried down and welcomes him joyfully (Lk. 19:5-7). Meditation: In prayer, we come as loved and forgiven sinners to meet…

SH Novena 2nd Day : Jesus the compassionate friend

Jesus the compassionate friend Scripture: Jesus said, "Come away to some lonely place, and rest yourselves for a while," for there were so many coming and going that they had no time even to eat (Mk. 6:31). Meditation: Because prayer is a  relationship of love, Jesus always leaves us free to respond or not. He…

SH Novena 1st Day : A Day with Jesus of Nazareth

A Day with Jesus of Nazareth Scripture: The two disciples said to Jesus, "Master, where do you live?"  "Come and see," he replied, and they stayed with him the rest of that day (Jn. 1:38). Reflection: Because prayer is  relationship of love, Jesus always leaves us free to respond or not. He asks each of…